  • Kubernetes

We implement and manage dozens of Kubernetes clusters in the main clouds and on-premises environments, providing automation, scalability and stability.

Modern and scalable solutions for managing applications and services

Kubernetes is a container orchestration system that allows for easy and efficient deployment, updating, management, and scaling of applications in any environment, whether it’s a public or private cloud or an on-premises environment. Our ‘Kubernetes Experts’ service is an ideal choice for companies seeking a highly customized and dedicated approach. Our experts work directly with the contracting company’s infrastructure, ensuring seamless integration with their existing systems. With a focus on customization, this service is specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. We offer continuous maintenance and rigorous daily performance monitoring, ensuring that the Kubernetes environment is continuously optimized to meet the varying demands of the business, thus providing an adaptable and high-performance service.


The purpose of Kubernetes is to provide a highly scalable, efficient, and stable container management environment that helps reduce the complexity and cost of application management. Container clusters can be scaled horizontally or vertically according to business needs. Kubernetes includes advanced management features such as load balancing, fault tolerance, and self-healing – ideal for situations where high availability and scalability are required. In addition to improving operational efficiency, deploying Kubernetes helps simplify application deployment, reduces downtime, and increases business agility. It also helps reduce the time and cost of managing infrastructure and IT resources, allowing your company to focus on other important business activities.

Experience and Certifications

We have implemented and managed dozens of Kubernetes clusters on major clouds: Google - GKE, Amazon - EKS, Azure - AKS, Oracle - OCI, Linode, Digital Ocean, as well as On-Premises environments: Proxmox, VMware, and Microsoft Hyper-V. For On-Premises environments, we have experience with clusters such as Openshift, Rancher, Kops, Kubespray, and K0S. We use Security tools, Infrastructure as Code, and GitOps to ensure best practices and standardization of environments, facilitating evolution and eventual migrations. We integrate your developments and platforms in an automated manner with intelligent pipelines using modern cloud resources and agile methodologies. We have a solid monitoring platform and ensure the stability and performance of the implemented environments.

Become a Gole Partner

Explore Our Affordable Kubernetes Solutions

Our ‘Accessible Kubernetes’ solution offers a ready-to-use approach, perfect for companies seeking a quick and effective solution. Utilizing Gole’s infrastructure, this solution is ideal for companies looking for modern and secure environments without the need to bear the high implementation and ongoing costs that cloud environments demand. Pre-configured and ready to be implemented, this solution eliminates the complexity of setup, providing a functional Kubernetes environment within minutes. It’s an excellent choice for those who want an immediate solution without worrying about the underlying infrastructure, allowing companies to focus directly on their development and innovation goals. This solution is the simplest and most effective way for companies to start their journey into the Kubernetes universe, providing a frictionless initial experience and allowing them to focus directly on exploring all the possibilities that Kubernetes has to offer.

Understand the costs

Have Kubernetes Experts at Your Disposal

Your applications will be managed with the highest efficiency and agility – and lower operational costs, providing automations, scalability, and stability. Still not clear on the benefits of using Kubernetes? Are you using Kubernetes but realizing that your team is not fully leveraging the tool? Do you lack a constant upgrade plan? Need help managing your clusters? Discover our Kubernetes solution Designed for companies that already have good solutions but don’t want to worry about infrastructure, we have developed an alternative solution capable of meeting any business need that wants to have the first contact with Kubernetes.

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EmpresasLogo dos Kubernetes Google GKELogo dos Kubernetes Amazon EKSLogo dos Kubernetes Microsoft AZURELogo dos Kubernetes ORACLE CLOUDLogo da GOLE
Cost per clusterCost in dollarsrCost in DollarsCost in DollarsCost in Dollars50% Cheaper!
Automatic MaintenanceFalseFalseFalseFalseFalse
Automatic UpdatesFalseFalseFalseFalseFalse

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