  • IT Monitoring and Intelligence

We have a complete monitoring platform for your environments that simulates the business flow, sending real-time alerts, dashboards, daily, monthly and incident reports.

Benefits of IT Monitoring and Intelligence Analysis

It is essential to use IT Monitoring and Operational Intelligence to track business functionality in all its aspects: network infrastructure, servers, and applications/services. Simulating business flow, measuring consumption, and visualizing logs. With customized dashboards and alerts.

It is possible to detect a failure or anomaly in the system before it causes an incident. Additionally, improvements can be made by analyzing the available information.

Servers and VMs

  • Nodes
  • Consumption
  • Usage
  • Memory
  • Environments


  • Daily Reports
  • 24/7 Monitoring
  • CPU's
  • Memory
  • Environments
  • Services
  • Crossed Monitoring


    • Grafana
    • Zabbix
    • APIs
    • Custom Dashboards (or Charts)
    • Email, Telegram, Slack, Teams, and Custom Alerts

Tools used

  • Grafana
  • Grafana Loki
  • Nginx
  • Postgres
  • InfluxData
  • Elastic
  • Kong
  • Redis
  • Prometheus
  • Syslog NG
  • Zabbix
  • Our Plans

    R$ 0, 00 /MONTH
    • ---
    • 10 Services (zabbix agent or SNMP) with 1 host
    • 1 Place for sending reports (teams, telegram, etc.)
    • 2 Host domain
    • 24/7 Monitoring
    R$ 199, 00 /MONTH
    • 3 Daily revisions
    • 50 Services (zabbix agent or SNMP) with 5 hosts
    • 3 Places for sending reports (teams, telegram, etc.)
    • 7 Host domain
    • 24/7 Monitoring
    • 4 Daily revisions
    • +50 Services (zabbix agent or SNMP) with 5 hosts
    • +3 Places for sending reports (teams, telegram, etc.)
    • +7 Host domain
    • 24/7 Monitoring

    Our Services